Tim Sheehy Tim Sheehy

I decided to write a book

I decided to write a book!

I am a pilot. I have been one since even before I could drive. I also had a very strong sense of duty and to serve this great nation. Then one day, I became an aerial firefighter, marrying two passions of mine.

I spent much time in the field, piloting the CL-415EAF super scooper, traveling from base to base. Part of the operation flow was to be on standby for the call to get up in the air. The proverbial, hurry up and wait. During those times, I took every opportunity to speak with my captains, other aerial firefighting pilots from other companies, base managers, mechanics, and whoever would talk to me about their history with aerial firefighting. It was a very enlightening and exciting experience to hear so many perspectives and how the industry has changed in a relatively short period. I started compiling notes in my leather journal that I take everywhere. Not long after, I had enough content to start writing a book. As an avid reader, I have read several excellent books on wildland firefighting from the ground perspective. Still, not much is written about firefighting from the aviation point of view. I wanted to change that because the history of aerial firefighting is essential. Like many industries, innovation develops from a need to solve a problem, and aviation and wildland firefighting tactics were influenced by the advancement of aviation-based solutions and technologies.

This book is a compilation of the history of aerial firefighting in North America. I am honored to share it with you and hope you enjoy it.

I want to stress that I didn't write this book to profit from it. I am proud to note that 100% of the proceeds will go to important organizations that support aerial and wildland firefighters and their families. Montana Firefighter Fund (https://montanafirefighterfund.org) is dedicated to helping aerial firefighters, and the Wildland Firefighter Foundation (https://wgfoundation.org) is a national organization helping wildland firefighters. Lastly, the United Association of Aerial Firefighters (https://uafa.org) is a consortium of aerial firefighting companies lobbying for standardization and higher standards of operational excellence.

I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I did writing it.

Good reads to you all!

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